34 min.
Taiwán- Francia
Tsai Ming-liang
Lee Kang-sheng, Masanobu Andō
Tsai Ming-liang
Liao Pen-jung
Lei Chen-ching
Lee Yu-chih
No No Sleep
Wu wu mian
Sección: Retrospectiva Tsai Ming-liang
Tsai Ming-liang
Filmografía del director:
Rizi (Days) (2020), Ni de lian (Your Face) (2018), The Deserted: VR (2017), Wu wu mian (No No Sleep) (2015), Na ri xia wu (Afternoon) (2015), Xi you (Journey to the West) (2014), Jiao you (Stray Dogs) (2013), Jingang jing (Walker) (2012), Visage (Face) (2009), Hei yan quan (I Don't Want to Sleep Alone) (2006), Tian bian yi duo yun (The Wayward Cloud) (2005), Bu san (Goodbye, Dragon Inn) (2003), Hu die fu ren (Madame Butterfly), 2009), Tian qiao bu jian le (The Skywalk Is Gone) (2002), Ni na bian ji dian (What Time Is It There?) (2001), Dong (The Hole) (1998), He liu (The River) (1997), Ai qing wan sui (Vive L'amour) (1994), Qing shao nian nuo zha (Rebels of the Neon God) (1992), Xiao hai (Boys) (1991)
Sinopsis Español:
Serie de escenas, filmadas con cámara estática y sin diálogo, en una variedad de locaciones urbanas como vías de tren, un subterráneo, unos baños públicos y un dormitorio.
Sinopsis Inglés:
A series of scenes shot with a static camera in various urban locations such as a train, a subway, public bathrooms, and a sleeping room.
Premios y Festivales:
2015 Viennale. Festival Internacional de Cine de Viena; CPH:DOX, Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Copenhague