Nowhere Near


color, b/n

95 min.

Miko Revereza
Pedro Revereza II, Aurora Fernandez Revereza, Paul Revereza, Jet Revereza, Jovito Gutierrez, Lourdes Gutierrez, Geraldine Inigo, Matthew Revereza, Matthew So, Kristian Henson, Joseph Revereza, PJ Bautista, Sincero Bautista, Helen Aquino Bautista, Salvamar Bautista, Nora Ramos, Kuya Ming & Family, Carolina Fusilier
Miko Revereza
Miko Revereza
Miko Revereza
Vincent Yuen Ruiz
Miko Revereza, Kevin T Allen

Nowhere Near

Nowhere Near

Sección: Atlas, Panorama Internacional

Miko Revereza

Filmografía del director:

2023 El lado quieto
2018 No Data Plan

Sinopsis Español:

Un poético ensayo cinematográfico a través de la lente de un inmigrante indocumentado que se desilusiona de su futuro en Estados Unidos y decide regresar a una patria distanciada. Nowhere Near rastrea el origen de una maldición familiar retrocediendo a través de la era posterior al 11 de septiembre, la ocupación estadounidense de Filipinas y la conquista espiritual del imperio español. La película es un diario de años hacia la comprensión de las causas de la emigración a Estados Unidos, aunque al final esta odisea se desvía mucho del curso esperado.

Sinopsis Inglés:

A poetic essay film through the lens of an undocumented immigrant becoming disillusioned by their future in the United States and deciding to return to an estranged homeland. Nowhere Near tracks down the origin of a family curse backtracking through the post 9/11 era, the US occupation of the Philippines and the spiritual conquest of the Spanish empire. The film is a years-long diary towards understanding the causes of migration to the United States, though ultimately this odyssey deviates far from the expected course.

Premios y Festivales:

2024: Taiwan International Documentary Festival2024: Jeonju International Film Festival
2024: Third Horizon Film Festival
2024: Courtisane Festival, Belgium
2024: Freep Film Festival, Detroit
2024: Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
2024: REDCAT Los Angeles
2024: Arts & Letters at Nuʻuanu Honolulu
2023: Linea d Ombra Italy
2023: QCinema PH
2023: SGIFF Singapore International FIlm Festival
2023: RIDM Montreal
2023: SXSW Sydney
2023: Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival
2023: IDFA International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (withdrew film in protest)
2023: San Diego Asian Film Festival
2023: DOK- Leipzig (European Premiere)
2023: Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, New Asian Currents (Asian Premiere)
2023: NYFF New York Film Festival: Currents
2023: TIFF Toronto International Film Festival, Wavelengths (North American Premiere)
2023: Open City Documentary Festival: Opening Night Film (World Premiere)

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