92 min.
Reino Unido
Alan Clarke
Tim Preece, Allan Surtees, Bernard Severn, Michael Bilton, Kenneth Scott, Terence Davies
Mark Shivas
Howard Dell
Funny Farm
Funny Farm
Sección: Retrospectiva
Alan Clarke
Filmografía del director:
The Firm (1989), Elephant (1989), Road (1987), Christine (1987), Rita, Sue and Bob Too (1987), Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire (1987), Contact (1985), Stars of the Roller State Disco (1984), Baal (1982), Made in Britain (1982), Vodka Cola (1980), Scum (1979), Bukovsky (1977), Scum (1977), Funny Farm (1975), Achilles Heel (1973), To Entourage the Others (1972), Horace (1972), The Hallelujah Handshake (1970), Penda's Fen (1974)
Sinopsis Español:
Una serie de tiroteos sin narrativa y tiros de larga distancia, basados en relatos de asesinatos sectarios reales que tuvieron lugar en Belfast, Irlanda.
Sinopsis Inglés:
Alan Clarke takes isolated behaviour and the distilled physicality of reality to the greatest extreme in Elephant. A series of shootings with no narrative and distance shots; all were based on accounts of actual sectarian killings that had taken place in Belfast, Irlanda.
Premios y Festivales:
2016 Festival de Cine de Belfast; Viennale. Festival Internacional de Cine de Viena 2013 Fresh Film Fest; Festival de Cine de Telluride 1993 Festival Internacional de Cine de San Francisco