Kiro Russo
País: BoliviaBiografía ES:
Director, Productor y guionista Kiro Russo nació en La Paz, Bolivia y estudió dirección en la universidad del cine en Buenos Aires. Fundador de Socavón. Realizó el largometraje ‘Viejo Calavera’(2016) y los cortometrajes ‘Enterprisse’ (2010), ‘Juku’ (2012), ‘Nueva Vida’ (2015), ganando premios en importantes festivales internacionales incluyendo el festival del Film de Locarno, el festival de San Sebastián, Indielisboa, el festival de cine Ficunam, el festival internacional de documental Jihlava y el festival de cine de Valdivia entre muchos otros. Rodado en La Paz, Bolivia, en Super 16mm, EL GRAN MOVIMIENTO es el segundo largometraje de Kiro.
Biografía EN:
Director, Producer and screenwriter Kiro Russo was born in La Paz, Bolivia and studied directing at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. He is the founder of Socavón and made the feature film 'Viejo Calavera'(2016) and the short films 'Enterprisse' (2010), 'Juku' (2012), 'Nueva Vida' (2015), which won awards at important international festivals including Locarno Film Festival, San Sebastian film festival, Indielisboa, FICUNAM film festival, Jihlava International Documentary Festival and Valdivia film festival among many others.He is the founder of Socavón and made the feature film 'Viejo Calavera'(2016) and the short films 'Enterprisse' (2010), 'Juku' (2012), 'Nueva Vida' (2015), which won awards at important international festivals including Locarno Film Festival, San Sebastian Film Festival, Indielisboa, FICUNAM Film Festival, Jihlava International Documentary Festival and Valdivia Film Festival among many others. Shot in La Paz, Bolivia, in Super 16mm, "El gran movimiento" is Kiro's second feature film.