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J.P. Sniadecki

País: Estados Unidos
Diálogo extendido (2021)
Biografía ES:

Es cineasta, antropólogo y profesor de medios documentales en la Northwestern University, en Chicago. Sus películas, que incluyen Demolition (Chaiqian, 2008), Foreign Parts (con Verena Paravel, 2010), People’s Park (con Libbie Cohn, 2012), Yumen (con Huang Xiang y Xu Ruotao, 2013) y The Iron Ministry (2014), han ganado numerosos premios en festivales internacionales. Su obra se ha presentado en la Bienal Whitney 2014, la Bienal de Shanghái 2014, el Centro de Arte Contemporáneo UCCA, en Beijing; en el MoMA, Guggenheim, el Museo de Historia Natural en Nueva York, así como en una sección especial del Festival de Cine Independiente de Beijing (BIFF) 2012. Sniadecki ha escrito sobre cine independiente chino para Cinema Scope, Visual Anthropology Review y DV-Made China (Hawaii University Press).

Biografía EN:

Is a filmmaker, anthropologist, and professor of documentary media at Northwestern University in Chicago. His films, which include Demolition (Chaiqian, 2008), Foreign Parts (with Verena Paravel, 2010), People’s Park (with Libbie Cohn, 2012), Yumen (with Huang Xiang and Xu Ruotao, 2013) and The Iron Ministry (2014), have won many awards at festivals around the world. His work has been featured in the 2014 Whitney Biennale, the 2014 Shanghai Biennale, the UCCA in Beijing, The MoMA, The Guggenheim, The Museum of Natural History in New York, and a special section of the Beijing Independent Film Festival (BIFF) 2012. He has written on Chinese Independent Cinema for Cinema Scope, Visual Anthropology Review, 电影作者 and DV-Made China (Hawaii University Press).