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Emily Gularte Oliva

País: Guatemala
Aciertos (2020)
Biografía ES:

Directora, productora y guionista guatemalteca. Egresada de La Escuela de cine y Artes Visuales de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín, ha escrito y dirigido diversos cortometrajes, videos musicales y spots publicitarios. Fue guionista principal de la serie web animada para niños, Liberto y Valentina, al igual que directora de los actores de voz. Ha trabajado diverso material para el Human Rights Foundation como productora y directora incluyendo los cortos documentales The Voices of Dissent. Su cortometraje de tesis, Lagartija, fue ganador del Sundance Ignite Challenge 2019 y selección oficial del Mill Valley Film Festival y Bogoshorts en el 2019.

Biografía EN:

A Guatemalan director, producer, and scriptwriter, she studied at the School of Film & Visual Arts of Universidad Francisco Marroquín. She has written and directed various short films, music videos, and publicity spots. She was the main scriptwriter for the animated web series for children, Liberto y Valentina, as well as the director for the voice artists involved. As a producer and director, she has worked various materials for the Human Rights Foundation, including the documentary short films The Voices of Dissent. Her thesis short film, Lagartija won the Sundance Ignite Challenge, 2019, and was part of the official selections of the Mill Valley Film Festival and Bogoshorts, in 2019.