Diego Enrique Osorno
País: MéxicoBiografía ES:
Diego Enrique Osorno. Reportero, escritor y cineasta que ha contado historias de la realidad del siglo XXI a través de una decena de libros y documentales, entre los que destacan El cártel de Sinaloa (Grijalbo), Slim (Debate), 1994 (Vice) y Vaquero del mediodía (Detective). Ha recibido el Premio Nacional de Periodismo de México, el Ariel de la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas, el de Artes Literarias de la UANL y un reconocimiento especial del World Justice Project por su labor como Comisionado de la Verdad de Oaxaca, en la investigación de tortura, desapariciones y ejecuciones cometidas por autoridades. También ha creado series de ficción para Netflix y HBO y ha sido becario de Rockefeller Foundation, Pullitzer Center y Sundance Institute. Sus libros y filmes han sido traducidos y exhibidos en una decena de idiomas y más de 50 países.
Biografía EN:
Diego Enrique Osorno is a journalist, writer and filmmaker devoted to telling stories about the reality of the 21st century. He has written more than a dozen books and documentaries including “El cártel de Sinaloa” (Grijalbo, 2009), “Slim” (Debate, 2015), “1994” (VICE, 2019) and “Vaquero del mediodía” (Detective, 2019). He was awarded the National Journalism Prize (Mexico), the Ariel Award of the Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences and the Literary Arts Prize of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. He also received a Honorable Mention by the World Justice Project in recognition of his work as a Truth Commissioner in Oaxaca, where he reported on cases of torture, kidnapping and executions committed by the authorities. He has also created series for Netflix and HBO. He is a grantee of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Pulitzer Center and the Sundance Institute. His books and films have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have been shown in more than 50 countries.